In the heart of a mystical forest, where the emerald leaves seemed to whisper ancient secrets and the sunlight filtered through the branches like shards of liquid gold, a wondrous sight awaited those who dared to venture deep within. Here, busy amidst the fragrant blossoms, were bees of all different colours, each possessing magical powers according to their hue. For the full tale please go to Our Fairy Stories:
In a variety of colours, our hand painted jute bee bags are our homage to the busy but magical bee! Each bee is hand painted to order so please allow 5-15 days from order to delivery but we will always endeavour to deliver as soon as possible.
Size 30cm x 30cm
Shipping & packaging costs are £3.99 for tracked 48 hour delivery via Royal Mail Courier. At present we only ship within the UK apart from the ROI & the Channel Islands. Thank you!